Do I Need a Personal Trainer?

Little did I know how popular this question was until I was in the process of googling it. Without even finishing the phrase “Do I need a pe” Google automatically gave me “Do I need a personal trainer?” and not “Do I need a pet?” as a drop-down option. Quite frankly, this made me realize that this question is on the mind of almost anyone deciding to make a change for their health. So I began looking deeper into the search results for this question and they were pretty underwhelming.

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Energize your Ramadan with Chocolatey Chia Date Bars

Ever stuck for an energy-packed snack before squeezing in a quick workout? Between working the 9 to 5 grind, picking up the kids from the sitter, and whipping up a quick dinner you tend to forget to think about the nutrition you need before a workout. Did you know that dates are the powerhouse of all fruits? Dates are also traditionally used to break fast during the month of Ramadan! They are a high source of natural sugars such as sucrose, fructose and glucose; making them great for an afternoon pick-me-up!

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Fixing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

How Do You Fix Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

As I type this article, I become conscious of how I position my wrists due to the topic at hand (pun definitely intended). Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is relevant to anyone who uses a keyboard a lot, plays a musical instrument, or uses small tools on a daily basis repeatedly. Around 10% of people are either dealing with some form of CTS or are in the process of developing it in North America.

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Stability/Mobility: Mississauga Personal Training

Let’s have a little lesson about human anatomy when it comes to mobility and stability. Which joint in the human body do you think can operate and move in the most directions using the most range of motion possible? If you guessed the hip, then you are on the right track, but not quite there. As you will find out from Mississauga personal training, the shoulder joint, also known as the glenohumeral joint offers the body the most mobility.

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A Modern Style of Training

Konga. This is the name personal trainer extraordinaire Khaled Fahim adopted as a 3X World-Egyptian Kickboxing champion while he competed as a professional fighter. Konga is a symbol of balance, a concept that describes Khaled’s philosophy of training. As a fighter, he quickly knew that in order to achieve optimal performance and health, he needed to balance the mind, body and soul. This is a fundamental tenet that he spent more than 15 years perfecting while becoming successful in the fitness industry. Part of his success also came from his unremitting drive to help his clients achieve their goals and become stronger, functional individuals. The first thing people often note about Khaled is his charismatic and humble demeanor. He is very respectful and determined to help, yet he is always willing to say and do what is best for the client. Khaled will make sure you learn more than you thought, achieve more than you expect, and realize more than you previously envisioned.

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Personal Trainer in Mississauga

Whiplash was the common term back in the day for any type of injury of the neck involving its acceleration, followed immediately by deceleration. Of course, this term was often associated with malingering (faking an illness to escape work) due to the difficulty of really quantifying the extent of the injury for most cases. The term was later changed to Whiplash Associated Disorders (WADs) when studies emerged that proved the prevalence of WADs was large, regardless of whether each case could be picked up by scans such as MRI and X-ray or not. Other signs and symptoms that motor vehicle accident patients experienced, like cervicogenic headaches which are headaches that start from the neck and move to the head, are beginning to be used more commonly now to help diagnose WADs. Speak to a personal trainer in Mississauga for more details about how to adjust your head rest.

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Mississauga Personal Trainer

One of the most common medical syndromes that a Mississauga personal trainer will see in their clients is chronic lower back pain. In fact, studies have shown that 80-90% of all adults will experience low back pain at some point of their lifetime (Wipf & Deyo 1995). Since the lumbar (lower) vertebrae must constantly deal with the weight of the entire upper body, which becomes a lot harder when you factor in poor posture and weak core activation, it definitely comes as no surprise why the prevalence of low back pain is so high.

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Heck, are we even human anymore?

When observing an object, you can somewhat judge what its function is by analyzing certain features and characteristics about it. A table has four stationary legs with a flat top which suggests that it is meant to stay in place to support its top while allowing for room underneath. In a sense, we have somewhat described the essence of a table. To describe the essence of a human on the other hand is extremely difficult and is usually met with numerous opinions. But let’s try and describe a human the same way we just did with the table. A human is a living, organic mass with moveable limbs connected to joints that allow movement in many directions via muscular contractions. Based on this description, your essence is to move. However, we don’t realize this until we stop moving.

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Busting 2 common excuses for skipping a workout

We have all heard these excuses or may have even used them before. Rather than flat out being honest and saying to yourself or your gym buddy that you just don’t feel like working out, you will resort to an excuse that makes it seem like you had the intentions of hitting the gym but some unavoidable circumstance made it impossible. I get it, we do this to protect our ego. Don’t get me wrong though, there are definitely valid excuses for missing the gym such as injuries, unforeseen life circumstances, etc. But individuals will use invalid excuses so often that they start believing them to be legitimate. So I have taken it upon myself to bust the two most frequent excuses I hear that prevent people from going to the gym with as much evidence as possible, mixed with common sense of course.

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