Yoga for Lower Back Pain

The lower back is one of the sensitive parts of the human body that can easily be strained, leading to back pain. Yoga may be just what the doctor has to prescribe if you’re suffering from lower back pain. Yoga is a mind-body therapy mostly recommended to treat back pain and the stress it causes. The different poses work to relieve tension in the body and increase your strength.
Several large health organizations have researched yoga’s value in health care. Research has shown that yoga can be as effective as physiotherapy for conditions like arthritis, balance issues, oncology, chronic pain, and others.
Benefiting from yoga doesn’t require you to be a fitness expert, but you should take these stretches seriously. Overstretching or practicing yoga in the wrong form can lead to injury, so consult an expert or a yoga instructor for advice if you have no prior experience.
Factors that can contribute to lower back pain
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, factors that can contribute to lower back pain are:
- advancing years
- Sedentism or inconsistent exercise habits
- Obesity or being overweight
- Smoking
- Tight hips and hip flexor
- Bad posture and
- Weak muscle core
Can I Practice Yoga If I Have Lower Back Pain?
Even if you have low back pain, practicing yoga is usually safe if you don’t have a vertebral fracture, acute herniation, or nerve injuries. You should also avoid or modify some poses if you have a serious lower back injury.
Before starting, consult your doctor. List any exercise restrictions or limitations due to an acute low back injury or chronic low back pain.
Here are some beginner yoga poses to reduce your lower back pain.
Cat–cow pose
Cat-Cow is an excellent way to stretch and relax your chest, back and hips during warm-up.
How to pose:
- Place your hands and knees in a tabletop position and gradually move into the Cat pose.
- Hold your spine, keep your back arched, and remain in this position for about 30 seconds.
- Now transition to the Cow pose by drawing your spine in, pushing back your shoulder blades, and raising your head.
The Cat-cow pose helps to bring your spine into a neutral position, relaxing your muscles and relieving tension.
Repeating the Pose will drastically reduce your back discomfort (10-20 inhales and exhales are a good number), keeping your breath rate constant.
Child’s Pose
Child’s Pose is a great exercise for your back and hips and a resting or calming pose.
How to pose:
- Kneel and sit on your heels while aiming to touch your big toes.
- Spread your knees towards your hips. Exhale and keep your torso between your thighs
- Broaden your sacrum diagonally to your pelvis and direct your hip to point toward the navel, allowing them to nestle down onto your inner thighs.
- Pull your head slightly away from your neck and elongate your tailbone away from the back of your pelvis.
- Place your brow on the mat.
Extend your arms, keep your palms down, and spread your fingers. Rest and take a few breaths in this position.
Supine twist
This move, like the supine twist, will relieve lower back tension by opening up the hips.
How to pose:
- Lie on your back, push your knees towards your chest, and turn both legs to the left.
- Your left knee should be placed on top of your right, resting on the ground. Don’t force it if you feel pain.
- To provide support, place a pillow under your left knee. Hold this position for 1 min before repeating on the other side.
Wind relieving
The major benefit of the Knees-to-Chest Pose is it relaxes and stretches your lower back, which relieves pain.
How to pose:
- Lie on your back, fully extended.
- Bend your knees, lift each foot from the ground one after the other, and bring them very close to your chest.
- Hold your thighs with both hands as you enter a hugging position with your knees.
- Rock gently from right to left to massage your lower back.
- Remain in this position for as long as you feel comfortable, then return to the fully reclined position.
Standing forward bend
This Pose strengthens and relieves your hips, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. It’s also a great stress reliever.
How to pose:
- Put your palms on the floor and push them in front of your feet.
- Firmly press the heels into the floor and raise the sitting bones to the ceiling.
- Turn the top thighs inward slightly.
Half-happy baby pose
One of the common causes of lower back pain is tight hips. This Pose will aid in the release of tension.
How to pose:
- Lie your back. Now, grab your foot and pull your right knee towards your chest.
- Relax your lower back.
- Grab the sole of your right foot with your right hand and pull it down. This will bring your right knee to the ground on the right side. Your right ankle will also be right above your right knee.
- Stay for one minute—rep on the opposite side.
Upward dog stretch
This Pose helps to open the chest, stretch the abdominal muscles, and engage the back.
How to pose:
- Lay on your back with your palms facing down by the middle of your ribs.
- Try Lifting your chest using your back strength, not your hands. In the same interval, push the top of your feet into the floor.
- Hold the position for 7 to 10 slow breaths before repeating.
Yoga is a holistic way to improve your spine health; you know a healthy spine is a pain-free back. These yoga poses will help relieve and protect you from lower back pain. Ensure you only practice these poses with a yoga expert to prevent injuries.