Make Your Post Workout Nutrition an Anabolic Machine

It’s the same routine every time. Your training was just filled with blood, sweat, and tears – sometimes one more than the others. You sit down and instinctively grab your shaker cup that’s filled with all your post-workout powders. What’s left in your huge jug of water is thrown into the cup, and you shake that baby with all the energy that’s left. Voila, that summarizes most people’s post-workout nutrition in a nutshell. Not a great deal of thought

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3 Simple Tips to Stop Back Pain from Ruining your Life

I kid you not, 80-90% of people resolve their low back pain in 3 months with OR without a therapist laying a finger on them. This is when most people with low back pain give me a look of disbelief (sometimes even more), but it’s something we see clinically. Of course, there are special cases as well as ways to speed up the process and prevent the pain from coming back. If you have neurological symptoms such as accompanying pain that shoots down your leg, that can last as long as 2 years before you experience any relief.

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Do I Need a Personal Trainer?

Little did I know how popular this question was until I was in the process of googling it. Without even finishing the phrase “Do I need a pe” Google automatically gave me “Do I need a personal trainer?” and not “Do I need a pet?” as a drop-down option. Quite frankly, this made me realize that this question is on the mind of almost anyone deciding to make a change for their health. So I began looking deeper into the search results for this question and they were pretty underwhelming.

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Everything you Need to Know About Icing an Injury

After speaking to hundreds of clients in Mississauga about their training injuries over the past year, I realized that nearly everyone used cold application differently. A popular misconception is that you are reaping all the benefits from icing as long as you apply some form of it to any type of injury. Not only can incorrect application of ice prove to be ineffective, it may even do the opposite of what was intended and become damaging to the body. Yes, there are some inherent physical differences in people that call for more or less cold application. Apart from that research has presented ideal parameters including temperature, duration, method, and purpose that everyone should be aware.

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