Mississauga Personal Trainer

One of the most common medical syndromes that a Mississauga personal trainer will see in their clients is chronic lower back pain. In fact, studies have shown that 80-90% of all adults will experience low back pain at some point of their lifetime (Wipf & Deyo 1995). Since the lumbar (lower) vertebrae must constantly deal with the weight of the entire upper body, which becomes a lot harder when you factor in poor posture and weak core activation, it definitely comes as no surprise why the prevalence of low back pain is so high.

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Fasting and its Top 3 Benefits

We can all agree that the average Canadian diet consists of 3 meals a day with a bunch of snacks in between. We also know for the most part that the government of Canada provides guidelines as to what the healthiest portions of each food group should be for a meal, including meats, veggies/fruits, dairy products, and grains. And I’m pretty sure everyone has heard the saying that you should never skip breakfast because it is the most important meal of the day. Eating, eating, and more eating is all I’ve purposefully been talking about so far. People are generally aware of what to eat to improve their health, but are either never concerned with or are just confused about when and how frequently they should eat. We never hear about fasting as part of our “diet”, not in mainstream media at least. Of course there are many reasons as to why this may be, but it all stems from the fact we are programmed to believe we need to constantly eat food in order to maintain our health. I’m here to explain why that’s not always the case.

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Heck, are we even human anymore?

When observing an object, you can somewhat judge what its function is by analyzing certain features and characteristics about it. A table has four stationary legs with a flat top which suggests that it is meant to stay in place to support its top while allowing for room underneath. In a sense, we have somewhat described the essence of a table. To describe the essence of a human on the other hand is extremely difficult and is usually met with numerous opinions. But let’s try and describe a human the same way we just did with the table. A human is a living, organic mass with moveable limbs connected to joints that allow movement in many directions via muscular contractions. Based on this description, your essence is to move. However, we don’t realize this until we stop moving.

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Busting 2 common excuses for skipping a workout

We have all heard these excuses or may have even used them before. Rather than flat out being honest and saying to yourself or your gym buddy that you just don’t feel like working out, you will resort to an excuse that makes it seem like you had the intentions of hitting the gym but some unavoidable circumstance made it impossible. I get it, we do this to protect our ego. Don’t get me wrong though, there are definitely valid excuses for missing the gym such as injuries, unforeseen life circumstances, etc. But individuals will use invalid excuses so often that they start believing them to be legitimate. So I have taken it upon myself to bust the two most frequent excuses I hear that prevent people from going to the gym with as much evidence as possible, mixed with common sense of course.

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Reasons for working on a Physique

When you decide it is time to hit the gym, the body all the sudden becomes a platform to which you can mold your ideal self into physical form. Your physique will always be on display no matter what minute, hour, day, week, year, or any scale of time you are dealing with. To achieve it, you must become an organization freak since your whole day needs to be calculated to ensure that your goal is on track. Essentially, there is no real “break” from working on your physique. Everything from your meals to your workouts, rest and supplements must be tailored a certain way that aligns with what is best for the physique.

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